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More than Words:
Lexical Variation and Change across Cultures, Time, and Space

13th International Conference for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology 

This conference is sponsored by the International Society for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology. Check the ISHLL website and join the society for free by signing onto the ISHLL listserv:

27-29 SEP 2023

University of Salerno, Italy


Scientific Committee


Jacqueline Aiello – Università di Salerno

Chiara Benati – Università di Genova

Charlotte Brewer – Hertford College, Oxford 

Rita Calabrese – Università degli Studi di Salerno

Esperança Cardeira – Universidade de Lisboa

John Considine – University of Alberta

Rute Costa – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Antonette Healey – University of Toronto 

Giovanni Iamartino – Università Statale di Milano

Rossella Latorraca – Università di Salerno

Mariadomenica Lo Nostro – Università di Salerno

Francisco J. Martín Arista – Universidad de La Rioja

Rod McConchie – Helsingin Yliopisto

Heather Pagan – University of Westminster

Alicia Rodríguez Álvarez – Universidad de Las  Palmas de Gran Canaria

Ana Salgado – Academia das Ciências de Lisboa

Louise Sylvester – University of Westminster

Hans Van de Velde – Universiteit Utrecht

Daniela Vellutino – Università di Salerno

Alina Villalva – Universidade de Lisboa

Geoffrey Williams – Université Bretagne Sud

Organizing Committee


Jacqueline Aiello – Università di Salerno

Rita Calabrese – Università degli Studi di Salerno

Rossella Latorraca – Università di Salerno

Daniela Vellutino – Università di Salerno


Scientific Committee

Keynote Speakers


Stefan Dollinger

University of British Columbia


Dirk Geeraerts

University of Leuven


Elda Morlicchio

University of Naples "L'Orientale"

Book of Abstracts
The Venue
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The Venue

University of Salerno, Italy

The University of Salerno (“UNISA”)is ideally linked to the oldest academic institution in the Old Continent: the Schola Medica Salernitana. Founded in the eighth century AD, the School reached its peak between the 10th and 13th century.

As of 1987, the University is located in the town of Fisciano, a few kilometers from Salerno. Organized in the form of a campus, the university is equipped with residence halls for students and teachers, and boasts modern facilities and efficient services for orientation, teaching, studying and leisure activities.

Check our website to learn more.

Contact Us

Lexical Variation and Change across Cultures, Time, and Space

13th ICHLL & LVC conference


13th ICHLL & LVC 2023 Conference


27-29 September 2023


University of Salerno, Italy

Contact Us

To learn more, don’t hesitate to get in touch

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